Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Inkblot Thoughts
I do think that Rorschach Inkblot test could work for diagnosing people with schizophrenia, but I do not think that this test would work to diagnose people with any other kind of mental problem. Although today I think that there are different and better ways of diagnosing people with schizophrenia. Today we have machines that can scan the brain and now they could tell if they have a mental problem by looking into the brain from the scan. On the first inkblot plate I saw a fox. The evaluation sheet said that seeing any kind of animal could mean that you are a little paranoid. I am pretty sure that I am not at all paranoid. Other people in the class seen things in other inkblots and the results said that they had schizophrenia or mental defects. I do not believe that the people that got those results do have any of those mental problems. I do not think that you would have to do a test to see if a person had schizophrenia or mental defect and problems. I think that you would be able to tell just by how they act and learn. In the past the inkblot was the only test used but now I think it is out of date from the technology today.

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