Sunday, October 5, 2014

Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a huge problem worldwide. People think that slavery ended when President Abraham Lincoln passed the 13th amendment that abolished slavery. Well that really never did end it people just became stealthier about slavery and trafficking them.
We watched a lot of videos about Human Trafficking. I found all of these videos very interesting. I learned new things about human trafficking. I found out how they used website to sell women and how they used the key word escort to make it harder for them to get caught. I also learned that once you are trafficked there is no getting out of it. Your life is pretty much over from there on.
People caught for human trafficking should have to spend the rest of their life in prison and helping spread the word about human trafficking. They should have to help by showing presentations to schools and colleges, telling them what to look for, for signs of human trafficking so they know and can contact the authorities to stop it before it happens.
Human Trafficking is a serious thing in the world and I think that the government should be focusing on this more than the selling of illegal guns on the black market and illegal drug trafficking. Drugs and guns are just things and are not human beings. I think that saving lives of human is more important than stopping illegal gun and drug sales and trafficking.

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