Sunday, October 5, 2014

Women and Globalization

Globalization has affected men and women greatly it has improved many of their lives, making it better for them to find better jobs that make more money to make their lives easier. Some people think that women do not get the same rights as men. To some extent I think that this is true and I think that people need to become aware of this and do something about it.

On it says. “In the last 2 decades globalization has affected the lives of women in the developing nations”. If it only affects women in developing nations will they only have as many right as woman have today in developed countries. In Asia women work in export industries for cheap labor, since that is what the society imposes them to do. Men have always been the family member that has had the easy job that pays great, while women work in a sweatshop and barely make any money for as much as they do. So with this economic influence it has affected the employment opportunities in developing countries.

Something definitely needs to be done about this. It needs to be changed in developing countries right away before it becomes permanent in their economy. Women deserve more right than they are given in the developing countries.

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