Sunday, April 12, 2015

Game Theory Reflection Blog

I think that the Nash Equilibrium is true. If you play a game and each other figure out their strategies the game become much more challenging.

With Game Theory it is very much true. Many head to head games such as hex rely on hoping the other player messes up on a turn.

Prisoner’s Dilemma is a thing that is used mostly by cops. It is a good strategy to get people to confess about a crime rather than having to go through an investigation that could take weeks.


The Serendip online interactive prisoner’s dilemma is a two choice corporate or compete game. After I played my first game, I have found out that every time I pick corporate we get the same amount. But if I pick compete most times I will get more coins that Serendip will get.


In history: biologist used it to formulate the idea of evolutionary stability.

In government: The Government Shutdown

In economics: during international trade

Related to sociology: shows how these work in everyday situations

Related to psychology: shows how the mind reacts to certain situations

In your everyday life: deciding whether to eat at school or somewhere else


I thought that these activities helped explain the game theory. The game was more exciting when the groups did not know what the other group picked till the end. This game let you figure if people in the groups were greedy for money or wanted to be honest and have both teams make lots of money.


I would rate the activities a 9. The only thing I could think of for improvement is not let the group think that winning is most important in the practice activity.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Inkblot Thoughts
I do think that Rorschach Inkblot test could work for diagnosing people with schizophrenia, but I do not think that this test would work to diagnose people with any other kind of mental problem. Although today I think that there are different and better ways of diagnosing people with schizophrenia. Today we have machines that can scan the brain and now they could tell if they have a mental problem by looking into the brain from the scan. On the first inkblot plate I saw a fox. The evaluation sheet said that seeing any kind of animal could mean that you are a little paranoid. I am pretty sure that I am not at all paranoid. Other people in the class seen things in other inkblots and the results said that they had schizophrenia or mental defects. I do not believe that the people that got those results do have any of those mental problems. I do not think that you would have to do a test to see if a person had schizophrenia or mental defect and problems. I think that you would be able to tell just by how they act and learn. In the past the inkblot was the only test used but now I think it is out of date from the technology today.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned stimulus- The golden M or theme song  

Conditioned stimulus- McDonalds

Unconditioned response- Hungry when you see the golden M

Conditioned response- When you are hungry go to McDonalds

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Teaching someone how to do something

During golf practice I taught some kids how to putt properly. Last year in golf we gained new kids that wanted to learn how to golf or wanted to get better. So I helped them with their putting. During practice I went and got out the practice putting green. Then I grabbed the putter to show them how to hold and swing the club. Then I had them see if they could hold the putter like I told them to. Then they took turns using the practice green, while I helped them out individually with getting the correct power. When I was done teaching them they were able to make seven out of ten of their putts into the hole.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Introduction to Psychology


What is your favorite word? Winning

 What is your least favorite word? Okay

 What one thing do you like about your life? Gaming ability

 What one thing do you not like about your life? My Height

 What profession would you like to attempt? Graphic Designer   

 What profession would you never attempt? Doctor

 What 3 words describe you? Gamer, Quiet, Short


In psychology I would like to learn why people behave the way they do and what caused it. How emotions affect people and the people around them. I would like to learn things on what gives people emotions and their behavior. How behavior affects the way people act around you and the way you act. The different ways that you can change someone’s behavior. How your parents behavior can form your behavior as you grow up. Does your behavior affect the type of friends that you make. Can you emotions and behavior get you into doing bad things, such as breaking the law.