Sunday, September 7, 2014

Globalization and Migration

Migration is when you leave your country or area to go to another. With migration, there are push and pull factors that affect the choice of when you migration. Some factors that can push you to migrate are, if the area you are living in has a lack of jobs or is in poverty.  Some reasons people are pushed to migrate is due to natural disasters, so they have to leave the area that was in the disaster radius to have somewhere to live and find a new job. Pull factors in migrating could be better living conditions, better paying jobs and more freedoms.

The Lost Boys of Sudan were both pushed and pulled to migrate. The reason the Lost Boys of Sudan were pushed to migrate from Sudan was because of the civil war that was going on in the country. If they would not leave then they would have been killed by the military that was ordered to kill all young boys in Sudan. So they walked to Ethiopia, then to Kenya since Kenya had refugee camps for the people that had to leave Sudan. After being in Kenya for a couple of years, America offered some Lost Boys from Sudan to come to America and start new lives there. This offer of migration was a pull factor. Without globalization these countries that helped out The Lost Boys would have never knew that this civil war in Sudan was going on. The Lost Boys would not have been able to come to American to start a new life and Kenya would not have refugee camps for them without globalization.

When the Lost Boys came to America, they were coming to a new culture and had to change how they do things while still showing their own culture. With them coming to America, it shows other people a new culture from a different country, which allows us to learn new foods and new ways that things are celebrated.

So with globalization and migration it helped the Lost Boys when their country was in civil war. It allowed them to go to another country that would help them out in giving them a new place to live and starting a new life. Globalization affects everything and in some cases, like this, it is a good thing.